About Us

Welcome to Aero Elite, where we pride ourselves on providing exceptional attention to detail and top-quality services to all of our clients.

At Aero Elite, we are passionate about the automotive industry and have built our business on a foundation of expertise, experience, and dedication to excellence.

Aero Elite exists because we are enthusiasts. AE was founded in 2019 purely out of devotion for cars and the endless modification possibilities. Our primary mission is to make the customer's journey as easy and seamless as possible as it can seem daunting when deciding what wheel offset, coilover spring rate or bodykit is suitable for your car.

Aero Elite was founded by the current director Nico Schuh due to the high influx of enquiries he received during his directorship at Clean Style. Clean Style is a German based automotive clothing and merchandise brand. Several customers were asking for advice on modifications and where to source them from.

Starting purely with the online based retail of a handful of brands in a small bedroom at Nico's house, many sleepless nights of self taught website design, coding and excel work finally led to the first website being published with around 2000 products. Customer behaviour quickly demanded a premises where face to face conversations and part fitment was possible. 

Now, over 10,000 orders, 170 retail brands and 180,000 products later, we have an incredible team and a large commercial premises featuring a workshop and an office. Our team's primary focus is to look after our customers.

We believe in going above and beyond for our clients. We understand that every car is unique, and we take the time to listen to our client's needs and provide tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements.

We are dedicated to building lasting relationships with our clients, and we strive to exceed their expectations.